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What is Scandinavian Design?

You might have heard a lot about the Scandinavian Design. The people who are style conscious are quite aware of what it suggests. Scandinavian Design is a movement that took its roots in the four Scandinavian countries. They are: Norway, Sweden and Denmark and Finland. This movement is special for its focus on simplicity, low cost, modesty and functionality. This design has become popular because, due to its low cost, most of the people can afford it. It is meant for the mass production.

This movement emerged during the 1950s. It got proper recognition with the introduction of the Lunning prize. This is awarded to those who used to excel in the field of Scandinavian Design. It was awarded to a number of outstanding designers for their achievement between 1951 and 1970. With this award, this design has become a recognized one for the production of commodity, not only in Scandinavian areas, but also throughout the world.

The idea of this design is wonderful. It is a commonplace belief that functional and beautiful interior and furnishings are costly and the middle-class cannot afford this. It was, to some extent true, before the Scandinavian Design became into being. Most of the other designs focused upon the luxury and comfort and they used to be costlier and out of the reach of the commoners.

But with the advent of modernism, the attitude was changed. More importance was given upon the functionality, comfort and simplicity rather than magnificent design and luxury. Though the simplicity and functionality was focused in the modern style, the cost was also out of the reach of the common people. Then the Scandinavian Design came into being after the Second World War. The whole picture was changed. Now the commoners can afford comfort, simplicity and functionality because of the Scandinavian Design.

If we look at the ideological background of this design, we will have to look back at the history of the emergence of social democracy in Scandinavian areas in the 1950s. The political theme was taken in making furniture and crafts. So, the history of the Scandinavian Design is linked to the history of social democracy. Again, at that time, the low-cost materials were available in abundance in that part of the world. They are: form-pressed wood; enameled or anodized aluminum; pressed steel; plastics etc. Moreover, the production cost also went down. So, it was possible for the founders of Scandinavian Design to apply their formula for mass production.

The Scandinavian Design can be divided into two types. One is the traditional and another is the modern. Both of them are modern. Still in terms of the traditional style, there is a little bit of fusion of modern functionality and traditional design. Though the design was basically meant for the furniture, it is not limited to only this side. This style is now used in the production of textiles and ornaments along with the furniture. Moreover, this style is also used in the interior decoration.

Though there are many critics who said that this form of design is a façade for making money. But the democratic ideal of this design is so prominent that these critics have lost their ground in terms of criticizing this design from anti-capitalist and Marxist point of view.

Top European Architects

Since the time of the Renaissance, Europe has been mostly known for its bold and futuristic take on architectural design and to this day, that trend has continued on with Europe’s top young architects. Of course, it is almost impossible to mention just a few names on that front seeing as there are so many bold and innovative architects from Europe who are always looking to push the envelope when it comes to architecture. Suffice it to say that while this article will not enumerate the top European architects, we will do justice to those very same individuals by looking at their current and future influences in pushing the trend forward like umbrella companies do with multinational firms.

The work of many of the top European architects inevitably begins – or at least, gains worldwide popularity – in the Middle East particularly in Dubai and Abu Dhabi where development is at a dizzying high. World-famous buildings like the Burj Khalifa, the Burj Dubai, and even The Palm and The World development sites are today becoming the most important playground of these architects. It gives them the perfect mix of challenge and prestige so much so that it represents a much needed drug detox and anti wrinkle creams analogy from the monotonous trend of squarish buildings that are bland and predictable. As world development pushes forward, the top European architects are always looking to outdo each other, creating ever eye-catching designs that push engineering to the limit and bring it a step forward to the future.

Having said that, it is hard to envision some of the world’s most well-known construction projects without the influence and vision of Europe’s top architects. To name a few, the Marina Bay Sands development in Singapore, the elegant TV tower in Guangdong, China, the dizzying designs in Shanghai; these are only some of the cutting edge work by famous European architects. Like working on a pull up bar, every project is more difficult than the rest, and consequently, every completed project is more breathtaking.

Of course, in this modern ear of the best web hosting and top online MBA programs, the name of the game is modernism. While there is no over-arching definition, it can be taken to mean the clamor for ever more bold designs, futuristic lines, eco-development projects, combined with the use of innovative building techniques and space-age construction materials. Like keratin hair treatment, the top architectural firms in Europe are paving the way for a new approach to building construction and space development and in the process re-writing the manual on how to be an architect. Consequently, modernism leverages on the learning acquired from previous experiences and uses this to make buildings safer and more environmentally-attuned. For this, there is no shortage of the urge to trazer amor de volta particularly that directed for building livable spaces.

With the top European architects at the forefront of the most recent trend in architecture, it cannot be denied that the next few years of construction is looking bright and promising. Unlike in recent years, there is no need for intervention, and no need for medical aid. Today, the only threat that can derail a promising architectural field is that of an economic slowdown or collapse, but barring such a massive catastrophe, everyone is upbeat about what the future holds for architecture.

And frankly, we at the sidelines are just simply in awe at the promise that it will bring.

Architechtural Documentary from Delaney Ashley on Vimeo.

The History Of The Eiffel Tower
When someone hears “Paris”, the first thing that he will come across his mind is the 320-meter high tower located on the Champ de Mars which is popularly known as “Eiffel Tower”. The tower was named after the engineer and bridge builder Alexandre Gustave Eiffel, who designed the tower. It was erected in 1889 to serve as an entrance arch to the Universal Exposition, a world’s fair held in Paris on the occasion of the centennial of French Revolution.
Historically, like people debating on how to lose weight the easy way, there was a debate as to where to put the tower. It was previously planned to be built in Barcelona but their authorities did not find it suitable to be build in their city. They refused to implement the plan since they thought it is expensive like some best oils for skin use by people. So, the draft of the plan was submitted to that of the authorities of the Exposition and the fate of the most recognized structure in all Europe begun to unfold.
On January 8, 1887, the contract of the construction of the tower was signed by Eiffel acting in his own capacity. He was granted one and a half million francs which was less than the estimated cost of six and a half million francs. So, the one solution that was come up with was that he himself will finance the balance with the agreement that he will receive all income from the commercial exploitation of the tower for the following twenty years. After the deal was sealed, the tower was paid off in the first year just like best anti aging products having swift results.
After years of hard works of the people who constructed the tower as well as several visit project that the designer made in order to make sure everything went as plan; finally an open frame with two platforms made of and rivets stood up in the city of Paris. On March 31, 1889, it was inaugurated and in month’s time was opened to the public in time for the Exposition.
But, after the successful completion of the tower, it received criticisms from many people. Many in the arts and the civic leaders are like labrador retriever dogs who kept on barking about the abomination of the tower. They say that it was has “no skin” since literally it is an open framework. They further stated that the idea of iron is good but leaving it exposed was just a poor taste. That it was like showing dirty laundry while doing pressure washing.
Little did people know that the construction that they have criticized then become both a cultural icon of France and one of the most recognizable structures in the world. Also, it became the most-visited paid monument in the world that continues to attract millions of tourists from all over the world.

What is the Future of Architecture?

Speculating about what the future may bring is always a fun thing to do for many people and this is no different when people wonder what the future of architecture is. To be fair, coming up with a very accurate prediction of the future is nothing short of impossible but you can draw on the circumstances today much like you would in a visit guide to try and determine what the future may bring. It is precisely this method that we will use to assess how architecture in the future may be different from the one we see today.

There are two strong trends in architecture that we are sure will feature heavily in future designs. It is not hard to envision these trends helping to shape every future building design from the tallest skyscrapers to the most common SA property. The trends we are talking about are modernism and green construction.

On the aspect of modernism as a primary determinant for the future of architecture, there are several aspects that are proof positive of how modernism will help shape construction.

1. Advancements in material technology has allowed architects to come up with bold designs while still expecting that these can be met and served by the existing limitations in engineering and construction. Go to any major school website and Materials Engineering is a highly featured course offering. These developments have led to the creation of materials that can tolerate even more demanding designs. In previous years, you would be hard-pressed to find architectural designs that feature sweeping curves; today, this is a constant fixture in many of the world’s iconic structures and it is likely that, like the telephone answering service, it will continue to heavily influence the future of architecture.

2. A second aspect of modernism is the improvement in construction methods which were not available to previous architects. Now, construction professionals have all sorts of tools at their disposal to be able to come up with efficient methods of construction huge structures. Leading the charge are trends like modular construction systems resulting to faster construction based on pre-assembled structures which are then fitted on site. It bears mentioning that these advancements are powered by growth in IT jobs where virtual simulation of construction strategies is becoming the norm.

Closing the trend in the future of architecture is the push for sustainable construction methodologies with an eye for green construction. Nope, green construction does not refer to having a green surf shop at the ground floor. Instead, green construction technologies are those that have an eye for more efficient energy usage by making of use of nature to provide many of the things that a building needs. For example, power is saved by relying on big windows to allow natural sunlight to light a building. This also holds true for other aspects like water usage, the use of plants to promote internally-pleasing environment, and an eye for heating and cooling systems that are efficient and effective.

The evolution of recent concepts in architecture are indeed breezing fast much like the development in nurse practitioner programs. It only goes to show that even something as grand as architecture is not immune to the advancements of technology. Like cheating on words with friends, architecture in the future promises to provide an interesting, lively, and exciting dimension to building design and one that is certainly going to draw more attention to itself – and its breath-taking creations – in the years to come.

What Makes Good Architecture?

The question “what makes good architecture” is one of the hardest to answer from an architectural academic point of view simply because there are various interpretations as to what constitutes good architecture. As in interior design, some people find west coast flooring to be appealing while others try to avoid having it in their homes. In architecture, the most important thing is to understand one’s wants and contrast that with what the major schools of architectural thought have to offer.

In this respect, perhaps it is worthwhile to look at the aspects by which one can judge architecture. Without having to visit site or go to an example website, here are aspects that one can use as a starting point for evaluating the merits of an architectural piece:

Function. Almost everything with architecture begins with function. Buildings can be eye-catching and even iconic but if these do not serve defined functions, the building is nothing more than decorative material. In many today’s designs, one of the most important facets of “function” that comes out is eco-architecture or green design. This refers to harnessing the environment in order to make the building more earth-friendly, energy-saving, and efficient. In home remodeling, for example, the use of skylights and big open windows helps to introduce ventilation and light into the home reducing its need for energy. In the eyes of some, architecture is good when it meets the design demands for eco-construction and while not everyone agrees with this, it is a safe bet that many find this extremely valuable when assessing the merits of an architectural design.

Style. This is where things get tricky when it comes to valuing architecture. Unlike, say, a virtual phone service or parental control software where it is easy to quantify its value through its service, style is more random. Some, for example, like Victorian buildings while others prefer simply, almost non-descript designs. There are also others that like a striking modern design with bold curves. At the end of the day, it is important to have a design that is neat and one that is in harmony with the surroundings, in a way that is pleasant and soothing. After all, architectural masterpieces are designed to provide comfort and value to its users.

Regardless of one’s definition as to what makes good architecture, it is important to realize that we all have our own preferences and one building or another need to please everyone. In the same way, there is no universal click here guide to good architecture and we must all learn to appreciate buildings for how their designers envisioned them to be; because when you think about it, isn’t beauty something that is only in the eye of the beholder?

Modern European Architecture
The Future of Sustainable Global Architecture

The world that man is living right now calls for the preservation of the environment. In every aspect of man’s various activities, being friendly to the environment is being emphasized. Just like in the area of architecture, a new concept has been born which describes being conscious with the environment in the designs that will be created. More like lainaa 100 euroa, a sustainable global architecture have been promoted to architectures and practitioners of the field to take part of the call for environment protection.

Sustainable global architecture has been conceptualized in an attempt by people to come closer to the environment. The concept seeks to minimize the negative impact that architectural designs in different buildings and establishments will put forward. That is why like Electrician Seattle, architects are asked to bear in mind some important environmental goals like that of use of materials and energy of the environment in moderation. As the future generation wants to still have a taste of the beautiful environment that man has today, conserving it very essential.

Children of today who are wearing Christening gown during christening rituals are expected to become the people who will manage the resources of the world. And so, it is seen that if people will not do something to protect the environment, no more resources will be enjoyed in the future. So, campaigns for sustainable environment will continue in every area of man’s life in order to ensure that the message will come across and that people will listen to it. It is like a Criminal Defense Lawyer Seattle who would like to make a very good point in court, so is sustainable global architecture and other campaigns to preserve a lot of things in the environment.

Because of such call, architects in particular are being reminded to consider utility of small spaces when doing designs. As large houses and buildings according to client history will use a lot of materials that mostly comes from the environment, they are being advised to avoid depletion of the environment by designing functional small houses and buildings. Then, they are also encouraged to use renewable resources in the construction of house. Like that of Dentist Salem Oregon, it is wise that they will simply use the sun, wind or water instead of using fossil fuels that are very harmful to the environment.

Also, since most forest reserves today have been depleted due to logging for materials that will be use to build infrastructures, different product info who are also concern of the environment would suggest the use of alternative materials which are more environment-friendly. Destroying the forests for the sake of progress is not a good thing and definitely it is the responsibility of all people to make some actions to preserve the resources of the environment and sustainable global architecture is one good step to do it.

Scandinavian Interior Designs

When it comes to the interior design of a home, taking advice and hints from the Scandinavians can leave you with a modern design that gives any room a “wow” factor.

Each of the Scandinavian interior designs I have ever seen make such a statement, they are light, modern and have color splashed here and there. They are amazing to say the least.

Use White

What can be said about these interior designs is that they love to use white. The minimalist look is so big in these designs from the white walls to the white furniture. The white may look bland and boring and you may wonder how such a white room can make such an impact but it’s what they use, the furniture, the cushions and even the feature wall that offers these rooms the wow factor.

You can search online for Scandinavian Interior Designs the same as you would for a dreamweaver template or free cell phone for low income and get plenty of ideas for your new modern design.

Modern Furniture

All the furniture used in these interior designs in ultra-modern from the perfectly placed corner sofa to the modern white chairs for a living room. Each piece of furniture is carefully selected to enhance the room and make a statement.

The furniture is all in white, black or sometimes red, a red sofa can make a wonderful center piece in an all white room. Red, white and black work beautifully together and can complement any room in your house.

These interior designs are no africa safari, they are the most modern designs you can come across and if you are in the process of remodeling your living room or bedroom, I’d suggest you get your hints from the Scandinavian interior designs.

Feature Wall

When you look closely at these interior designs they often include a feature wall. This can be a one wall made of brick against the rest of the white walls. The feature wall adds texture to your design and helps make the room more homely. You can go online and visit website for any interior design company in Scandinavia and see they all include a feature wall to make that extra statement in the room.

Adding Color

Another thing you will notice is how they carefully add splashes of color to a white and bland room. Color is added by adding a brightly colored rug or bold colored cushions on the sofa. The color added is not overdone to make the room too bright, but takes the glare of all white away and replaces it with splashes of bold colors around the room.

The interior designers are a supreme group of artists, when you look at the beautiful, sophisticated and modern rooms they design, there is no comparison. Every piece of furniture is carefully selected to enhance the room while working with the white walls of the room, they manage to add that bit of color you so desperately need to make an ultra-modern room homely. The advantage is that with the internet you are able to cam chat to a designer and get ideas and suggestions from anywhere in the world.

Touring Wonders of the World

Making a decision to take a tour to the wonders of the world could be a great thing to do. This is because there is nothing more enjoyable than seeing with your own eyes what people have been talking about. What is more is that most of these wonders are breathtaking and will help create lifelong memories. All in all, considering the wonders of the world are far spread, you cannot tour all of them at once. You have to make priorities.

Just as it is the case with hair moisturizer products, there are wonders within a driving distance and others across the Atlantic. When making priorities, it is crucial that you start by compiling a list of all the wonders you would wish to visit. Which wonders fascinate you the most and which ones are in your bucket list. Your budget will also have a great influence on where you head.

Garnering as much information on the wonders of the world is important. You need to keep reading what people say about your target destination and heed to their recommendations. Which is the best time of year to travel? How are the accommodation facilities in that area? Knowing what to expect will help you make comprehensive preparations. If doing your research online, do not rest with information on one site. View as many websites as you can. This will help you get an all rounded image of what to expect.

One thing that most people fail to understand is that there are different lists of the Seven Wonders of the World. The most popular list is that of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. The list has, however, been altered over time as new and more fascinating wonders come to light. Other lists include those of the American Society of Civil Engineers, New 7 Wonders Foundation, USA Today’s New Seven Wonders, Seven Natural Wonders of the World, New 7 Wonders of Nature, and Seven Wonders of the Underwater World and the Seven Wonders of the Industrial World.  You need to know what you are interested in before you take a tour.

Additionally, you need to make your preparations early enough. Last minute preparations will most likely lead to frustrations. If you are thinking of visiting the Great Pyramid of Giza, you must do your research to learn of the associated expenses, the duration of the trip as well as the products you will need for your trip such as the coconut for skin. You should seek advice from people who have been to the place.

Just as car accident lawyers are important even without being involved in an accident, it is critical that you get travel insurance. Considering most of the wonders are located in remote areas, the last thing you would want is being injured with no one to come to your aid. A health insurance will save you a great deal of money in case of an accident or illness.

Lastly, let someone know where you are headed. It is always good to have someone aware of your whereabouts at all times.

Architectural Engineering

The modern world comes with complex building structures that are developed with the help of several different complex systems all integrated to form one single output. In the world of skyscrapers and underwater hotels, the demand for people who can actually execute projects of such large scale is also on the rise. Architectural engineering which is more commonly known as building engineering is a field that has been trending lately. Owing to the huge potential market that the field caters to as well as the constant development that is taking in the modern world, this field has probably become more popular than the coconut oil for hair industry is in India!

Architectural engineering has been further classified into different sections; each section caters to the requirements of a particular area of the building as a whole. People who choose to be involved in this field can actually master their skills in one specific area of architectural engineering so that the principal of division of labor can be used effectively when an important structure is being constructed.

First of all, there is structural engineering.  As suggested by the name, this aspect of architectural engineering deals with the formation of structures; buildings, bridges equipment supports etc. ) one can specialize in this field and become involved in the building of several different structures; the basic structures required for the development of further advanced structures.

Architectural engineering also comprises of mechanical end electrical engineering etc. these provide the basic infrastructure that is needed to support the overall structure that is created by the aforementioned engineers.  It is said that these engineers are often well equipped with knowledge that can help one with non-engineering related tasks such as making swtor credits online. This is partly because this form of engineering requires them to develop and decode complex algorithms and mathematical formulas etc.

In the field of architectural engineering, one needs to make sure that he or she is well informed about the market trends and has good contacts in the domestic development sector. There are many companies such as Florists Victoria Bc which collaborate with architectural engineers in order to deliver extremely high quality service to the clients.

For every economy, there are certain very profitable sectors that need to be further developed. Recently, there have been a lot of nurse practitioner schools online thus promoting this new, online concept. The same can be applied to architectural schools as they can prove to be a very profitable field for an economy. If an economy can provide these services to outsiders, it can act as an instrument to write off debt for the economy.

If you happen to be interested in learning more about this truly amazing field, you can find as much information about this as you can find electronic cigarette facts online-in short, you can manage to get a lot of content pertaining to this topic online. Architectural engineering is an emerging form of engineering that has gained immense popularity in the modern world.

Why architecture is a famous field these days

There was a time when the average common man did not have enough time to think about things such as the architecture of his house simply because there were other important things that had to be done. Why did the cave men live in caves? It’s because they were busy the whole day trying to find food and survival that the construction of houses and their decoration was probably the last thing on their minds! However, with the passage of time, the lifestyles of human beings as a whole have changed. People generally have more time for themselves and their families.  They tend to pay more attention to the beautification of their houses and lives. As a result, architects are in demand more than ever before.

If I say that architecture is a new development, it would be an extremely wrong assumption; almost as wrong as assuming that you can buy kratom without having to pay anything at all! Architecture has been around for an extremely long time. From ancient Greece to Rome to Egypt, there have been numerous civilizations that have been very well known for their architectural styles.  However, the reasons behind the popularity of this field have been different over the years.

While searching for a job on jobuzu search, you will be surprised to see how many opportunities pop up for architects. The jobs available for individuals in this field are great in number. One major reason behind this is the fact that huge architectural firms are being formed and operated these days. You see, with the global trend of beautiful buildings these days, multinational architecture firms are being established these days which hire architects from all over the world.

Local architecture firms are also growing simply because of the fact that there is a lot of business available in this sector. People actually get US Fast Cash loans in order to be able to decorate their homes and get them designed well.  The standard of living of individuals in this regard has significantly increased as a result of which the demand for architects has also increased; the business keeps pouring in and people get to demonstrate their architecture skills.

Architecture is something that is no longer an abstract thing that it once was; you can sell it these days. It is pretty much like claiming that you  can buy premium kratom capsules here on a website.  Yes, you can do the exact same thing on a website where you can sell your architectural services.

You see, architecture has always been around and has played a vital role in the development of communities. However, as a result of the increased free time that people have these days along with the indulgence of individuals in good quality homes and living styles, architects have been highly demanded for a while now with architecture becoming an extremely popular field. With a number r of different architecture schools present, getting a higher education in this discipline is actually a beneficial thing these days.

History of Scandinavia

Nokia, Lego, Volvo, and Ericsson.  These are just some of the world-famous companies that originate from the European region called Scandinavia.  You have probably heard of Scandinavia as the home of the Vikings, but it is much more than that.  Scandinavia is rich in culture, commerce, and history.

Scandinavia, also referred to as Nordic Europe, is a region located in Europe, specifically north of the Baltic Sea.  It has an area of more than 358,000 square miles and an estimated population of above 20 million people.  The languages spoken include Danish, Norwegian Bokmål, Norwegian Nynorsk, Swedish, and Scandinavian.

Scandinavian is composed of the five countries of Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Iceland.  The region also includes the territories of the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Svalbard, and Aland.

The name Scandinavia originated from the Skandage body of water that can be found between Norway, Sweden, and the Jutland peninsula of Denmark.  Some sources consider Scandinavia to strictly cover only Norway, Sweden, and Denmark.  However, other sources include Finland and Iceland, which are also countries in Nordic Europe.

According to historical records, Scandinavia used to be covered by an ice sheet about 10,000 BC.  As the ice slowly melted away, different groups of people started to occupy the vast Scandinavian region.  The pre-historic age can be characterized by people herding and hunting for reindeers, fishing, crafting pottery, cultivating land, farming, and developing tribes.

The year 793 AD is considered to be the start of the Viking Age.  The Vikings were Scandinavian warriors and traders.  They invaded, settled, and explored many parts of Europe and as far as the Middle East, northern Africa, and North America.

Christian missioners were sent to the Scandinavian region and began the Christianization of Scandinavia from the 8th to the 12th centuries.  As more people were baptized into the Christian faith, Scandinavian kingdoms incorporated religion with governing the kingdom.  For instance, during King Canute IV’s reign in the 11th century, Denmark was considered as a Christian country.

The years 1100-1600 saw many Scandinavian countries trying to unite for the common good.  The kingdoms of Denmark, Norway, and Sweden attempted to form what was known as the Kalmar Union in 1397-1520 in order to unify under a single monarch.  However, the unification was met with violence and resistance as the Kalmar War broke out in 1611-1613.

More conflicts arose in the 17th century as the Thirty Years’ War erupted between 1618 and 1648.  As Catholic and Protestant powers continually fought against each other, more empires rose to prominence.

In the 18th century, the Great Northern War broke out, while colonialism gained ground.  The 19th century saw the Napoleonic Wars, the union between Sweden and Norway, the Finnish War, industrialization, and the monetary union.

After two World Wars, Scandinavian countries have pursued peaceful co-existence with each other as more collaboration is established, such as the Nordic Council in 1952.  Scandinavia gains strength from its past as it help each other in the challenging present in order to secure a brighter future.

What actually is Scandinavia?

Do the names Nokia, Lego, Volvo, and Ericsson ring a bell to you?  For starters, these are just some of the world famous brands or companies coming out of Scandinavia.  Scandinavia?  It sounds either romantic or historic.  What is Scandinavia?

According to Wikipedia, Scandinavia “…is a historical and cultural-linguistic region in Northern Europe characterized by a common ethno-cultural Germanic heritage and related languages, which includes the three kingdoms of Denmark, Norway, and Sweden.”  In modern times, Finland and Iceland are also included as part this geographical region in consideration of the cultural and historic relationships.  Norway and Sweden form what is called the Scandinavian Peninsula.

Scandinavia, also known as Nordic Europe, is located north of the Baltic Sea in Europe.  With an area of almost 1.2 million square kilometers or 463,000 square miles, Scandinavia is the largest region in Europe.  It is home to an estimated 24 million people.  Languages predominantly spoken in this area include Swedish, Danish, and Norwegian.

Aside from the five countries of Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Iceland that compose Nordic Europe, Scandinavia incorporates the territories of the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Svalbard, and Aland.

Faroe Islands is an autonomous territory of Denmark.  Greenland is an autonomous territory of Denmark and a member of the Nordic Council.  However, it is part of the native North America geographically and culturally.  Svalbard is administered by Norway while Aland is an autonomous territory of Finland.

Denmark is the smallest, flattest, and most continental of the Scandinavian countries.  It is also famous for and considered to have the best beaches in Northern Europe.  With a unique Viking heritage, the royal palaces will be a treat to visit in Denmark’s capital of Copenhagen.

Norway is known for its deep fjords, steep mountains, and well preserved wooden churches.  Regarded as the most rural and traditional of the five Scandinavian countries, Norway has a rich and interesting culture with a long tradition in fishing and farming.

Sweden is by far the largest Scandinavian country in terms of area and population.  It is surrounded by countless islands around its coastline.  The Swedish Archipelago is noted as the second largest archipelago in the Baltic Sea region.

Finland is perhaps the remotest and most conservative of the Scandinavian countries.  The Finnish language is unlike other Scandinavian languages.  Some consider Finland as not technically part of Scandinavia as the native people of Finland, or Finns, have Uralic origins.  Tourists will have a blast exploring the thousands of islands and lakes found in Finland.

Iceland is a haven for the adventurer with its magnificent sceneries filled with volcanoes, glaciers, geysers, and waterfalls.  Located somewhere between Europe and North America, Iceland is a mountainous island nation in the North Atlantic Ocean.  Although it is not part of the Scandinavian continental mainland, Iceland is considered to be Nordic European.

Want to know more about Scandinavia?  Do some simple research on the Internet to learn about it.  You will be fascinated with what you will learn about this enchanting and interesting place.

Škola kreativnog pisanja AUTOR
Škola kreativnog pisanja Autor po?inje sa radom od marta 2011. u Domu kulture Studentski grad. Upis po?inje 26. februara 2001. u 12h u Sali na spratu Doma za kulturu. Škola Autor namenjena je u?enicima osnovnih i srednjih škola, kao i studentima, koji su zainteresovani za razvijanje svoje kreativnosti i spisateljskog talenta. Svaka grupa, formirana po uzrastu i sposobnostima polaznika, ima?e dva ?asa nedeljno i ?asovi ?e se održavati vikendom. Inicijator i predava? u Školi je Jelena Popadi?, dramaturg i teatrolog.


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